If you have Lost your card or has it stopped working. Residents can order replacement payment card by contacting Willowbrook TMC Office by email, Telephone or in person.
Email: Office@willowbrooktmc.co.uk
Telephone: 020 7708 0357
Address: 24 Shurland Gardens Willowbrook Estate Peckham London SE15 6JY.

How to pay your rent
You are advised to pay your rent and other charges that are due in advance on Monday each week, or by other such arrangement as agreed with the Council in accordance with your Tenancy Agreement.
If you are having difficulty paying your rent please call the Willowbrook TMC Office.
To request a rent statement please contact the TMC office
The most efficient way to pay your rent is by direct debit. For information about paying by direct debit please go to
Bank: RBS National Westminster Bank,
Southwark Branch: Sort Code:62 – 22- 32
Account Number: 27540022 London Borough of Southwark Rent. Please ensure that you quote your 10 digit rent account reference number. A form can be downloaded by going to
Southwark Council no longer operate payments card system. Please use the barcode on the letter that accompanies the rent statement to pay your rent at pay point outlets. If you have questions regarding this contact the TMC Office on 0207 708 0357 or by email on office@willowbrooktmc.co.uk
You can also pay by using either
The Council’s 24 – hour Automated Telephone (debit or credit card) payment line on 0345 6000 611.
by using the Council’s 24 hour internet payment website at
Please send postal remittances to:
Southwark Council Income Operations Team Finance and Governance
PO BOX 68119, London SE1P 4GP
Cheques must be made payable to
“Southwark Council” and crossed. Please ensure that you quote your 10 digit rent account number
You can view your rent account online using your MySouthwark account. Log into your personalised account at
Help to Pay your Rent
Help to pay your rent is available for those on low income even if they are working but this differs depending on whether you/your partner are of working age, or of pension age.
If you are not already getting help to pay your rent, you can check to see if you might be entitled to help by going to: www.gov.uk.benefits-calculators. This calculator will tell you based on your circumstances if you need to claim Universal Credit or Housing Benefit to help pay your rent.
To make a claim for
Universal Credit go to https://www.gov.uk/universal-credit
Housing Benefit go to http://www.southwark.gov.uk/benefits-and-support